Chat Gallery Smileys

Here are the current chat gallery smileys to copy and paste in blog -and gallery comments:

:essen: :food:
:yinyang: :yinyang::yy:
:uh: :uh:
:party: :party:
:super: :super:
:pfeif: :whistle:
:hut: :hat:
:rose: :rose:
:telefon: :phone:
:boese: :angry:
:radio: :radio:
:kis: :kis:
:dream: :dream:
:apple: :apple:
:lion: :lion:
:nasty: :nasty:
:star: :star:
:pipe: :pipe:
:tanzen: :dancing:
:sun: :sun:
:leicht: :ease:
:zorro: :zorro:
:skull: :skull:
:tschu: :bye:
:vertrag: :contract:
:sheep: :sheep:
:ent: :dis:
:herz: :heart:
:break: :break:
:beck: :beck:
:cry: :cry:
:wink: :wink:


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